Tribal Wars is a passing game that can be played over the internet browser and mobile and the Middle...
Tribal Wars is a passing game that can be played over the internet browser and mobile and the Middle Ages. Each player is to start as the owner of a small village and village into a powerful and glorious purpose of a residential unit.✔ Main BuildingThanks to the main building, and build a new building or expand your existing building. If you improve your Main Building, built in speed is increasing your other buildings.✔ BarracksYou barracks is your military production center. In each level youll improve your barracks, you can speed up your military production.✔ Horse FarmMounted troops at your farm produced. Do you develop your horse farm production at all levels will result in faster.✔ WorkshopIn the workshop you can produce rams and catapults. In each level youll improve your workshop, you can accelerate your productivity.✔ MadrasaBEY can produce thanks to the madrasa. You can get a new village with guys.✔ Blacksmiths WorkshopYou can search for new weapons in the Blacksmith, you can improve your existing weapons. You develop a blacksmiths workshop, the number of research you can reduce your development time sağlar.yap your research and better weapons is limited. You can undo your research if you want, but the costs of the research that you can not get it back.✔ Command CenterCan give orders in the battle command center and you can adjust your army. Orders can be canceled within the first 3 minutes.✔ SundayYou can send resources to other toys from the market or to enter into swap them with resources.✔ SawmillSawmill outside of your village, was founded in the woods. Woodcutter there are soldiers, weapons and cut wood for use in construction of buildings. Woodcutter all levels will improve your camp provides an increase in the amount of wood they cut your woodcutter per hour.✔ Clay OvenYour workers are out of clay pit clay. Clay, plays a major role in building-your arms and military production. Each stage will improve the clay oven, allows an increase in the amount of clay per hour they make your workers.✔ Iron MineIn the iron mine your workers are out of iron that you use in your production. Your production related to the iron war is of great importance. Each level youll improve your iron mine, which provides an increase in the amount of iron per hour out of your workers.✔ FarmYour farm provides food for your troops and your workers. If you do not develop your farm, you do not grow village. With every step you develop, you will come to the farm can accommodate more workers can provide food and location.✔ StoreThanks warehouse, resources produced in your village (wood, clay, iron) can store. Storage capacity of each development stage and the warehouse increases.✔ WallWall, thanks in part to protect yourself from enemy attacks. Wall, increases your defense of your village defense and unity.✔ StatisticsPlayers, Tribal, Booty and killed the enemy stats.✔ ChatTribe inside instant chat.✔ TribeYou can take on the world with your friends install the tribe.✔ Worlds18 - Orhan Gazi period17 - Osman Gazi Period16 - Ottoman Empire15 - Mughal Empire14 - Timurid dynasty13 - the Golden State12 - State of Khorezm11 - Seljuk Empire10 - Ghaznavid Empire9 - Karahanli State8 - Uighur State7 - Khazar Empire6 - European Avar Empire5 - Turk Empire,4 - Hephthalite Empire3 - European Hun Empire2 - West Hun Empire1 - Great Hun Empire